
By JensPiet

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Life has changed quite a bit over the last few years. I can't really remember a time before people had cellphones, but I can remember a time before people had smartphones. The distraction level of a randomly chosen person anywhere in the smartphone-equipped hemisphere is probably sky-high compared to earlier times.

I first noticed this when I went to Budapest over New Years 2012/2013 with a friend. We sat in a Kaffeehaus and had some cake, and on the next table, four Asian teenagers were all doing stuff on their smartphones - not talking at all. It was spooky.

Nowerdays, it seems that Budapest Kaffeehaus Asians are everywhere. Yesterday, we sat in a pub and the musicians would take a break after literally every song and both have a quick update on their smartphones. If you think about it, it's much more common than it would seem. Piratenpartei-people used to tweet constantly while they were on talkshows (back in the days when they were invited to talkshows). And whenever you walk in a shopping area, you can quite successfully play "spot someone running into a traffic light whilst looking at his/her phone".

It's a weird world.

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