View from my window

By skiesnsunsets


It's been tipping it down all day again. I keep checking the leak above the window but so far it's not coming in. I thought I was going to have to do an emergency window sill blip again but I did find a short rain free period to take a blip through the window. I find it really difficult to take pictures of the huge waves. No matter how I try they don't seem to look 'bad' enough! Just take my word that they ARE huge. It's said to be getting worse again and I don't look forward to that at all.

I had a welcome visit from neighbours who've been away in Australia for a few months. What a welcome back they've had with this awful weather. They said the wind almost over turned their car when they parked.

I keep meaning to do more painting. I have a 'winter' one that I've been on for ages which I really need to finish off. Yesterday I was admonished for not finishing it by my 8 year old grand-daughter who came to paint with me. She was very proud to finish her own painting which was a second version of one she painted last year. Someone in Holland asked her to paint him a copy of it. She said yesterday that she felt really proud that someone wanted one of her paintings.

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