I wandered lonely as a cloud...

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd
In a host of golden daffodils...

I walked down to the library this morning for the creative writing group. We had all written our cinquains and we read them out, they were all very different.

The Poet

Crafty wordster
A short story verser
Painting pictures, image mixers
Word art.

Kate read a couple of short stories she'd written and I read mine...The Corpse Went by Bus...it was good to hear others and to get feed back on my story.

When we finished I met Carole and we went for a walk. We haven't walked for a while but it was good to get some fresh air. I'd dosed myself up on some joint pills so that my knee wouldn't be too uncomfortable, it worked well....but.......

...I have stubbed my toe a few times in the last couple of weeks and I suspect I might have a little fracture as it is very painful. I am just falling apart!!

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