The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Class 5

The Goose and I teach at Bao'An Senior High School in Shenzhen, China. She has the Senior 1 classes and I have the Senior 2 classes. There are about 14 classes in each section, with each class ranging from 40-60 students.

This blip is of my Class 5 students.

The pic itself wasn't anything special, so I touched it up a bit with Iphoto. Could have done more with the big bad photoshop, but Iphoto does just fine by me, especially in less than a minute's time.

Today's lesson covered some basic oral English on Halloween. The students enjoyed seeing a picture of me dressed as Elvis who they thought was of Michael Jackson.

I guess I'll have to do a music lesson soon and show them some Jailhouse Rock.

~The Gander

(The Goose has been out of commission with her first Chinese cold. She's taking it all in stride Chinese style, drinking lots of tea and eating whole cloves of garlic)

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