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Took Doreen up to Bluewater today. Just after we'd got there and they were being distracted by colourful fabrics in John Lewis I wandered off, as is my wont, looking for things to blip. Around the corner, this was the first thing I saw.

Originally I thought that it was a trolley from an ambulance, attending to someone who had be taken ill, so I was a little wary, but inquisitive. Turns out it was nothing of the sort but it was a woman having a full facial and earlier, a foot massage. Nothing special or wrong in that at all - but the bed and the action was in one of the main thoroughfares into John Lewis with people coming and going all the time. Bit like having your beauty treatment in an underpass or subway tunnel.

Interesting to watch people's reactions - some ignored it, some didn't even see and some had a good old look - just like me. Each to their own but I wouldn't like to have my treatment in such a public place. Perhaps she was getting it for free in return for advertising?

Spent the time in Bluewater mooching about. Free coffee and scone in John Lewis, courtesy of their John Lewis card, free coffee in Waitrose with their card and cruised the mall while Susan and Doreen did some serious window shopping. I did buy some trousers and a waistcoat, my outfit for Chris and De'Shaun's wedding in August. Managed to get 35" trousers on line and delivered to Marks and Spencers. I look good!

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