News flash, news flash, news flash

Today the sun shone and the sky was blue, what better way to celebrate than to blip the event.

The day didn't start like this but during the morning the clouds parted and the sun shone. After a morning catching up with things I spent a happy hour sowing some seeds and putting them into the propagator to germinate. (Hopefully)

Sowed tomatoes (Shirley) spring cabbage (Greyhound) and lettuce. Tried a new method for germinating parsnips. These are notoriously difficult to get to grow. This time I spread the seeds on damp kitchen towel and covered them with more sheets of kitchen towel then into the propagator. Apparently you have to keep spraying the seeds daily until they germinate. The when tiny roots appear move them to small sections of toilet roll middles filled with compost. In this way the roots don't get disturbed.

Went to the gym after all this and just enjoyed the regular Friday night omelette and salad. Judging by the sounds on the conservatory roof normal service has been resumed - it's raining again.

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