A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Woke in middle of night with shivers and streaming nose. Couldn't get back to sleep for ages so foolishly resorted to Night Nurse at 4.30am. Did the knocking me out trick but sadly with not enough hours before Carl had to drag me from my drug-induced coma.

Somehow (I think by the magical power of the shower and setting the Day Nurse to wage war with the Night variety) I have functioned sufficiently to move the kids between home, school and drama class at appropriate points in the day and head into the City for my Chinese visa appointment. I have to go back on Wednesday to see if I get it, though the very helpful woman thought everything seemed in order. Most disconcertingly they have my passport which is making me feel a bit weird.

Or perhaps it's all the drugs. Am about to go for the comfort of a very hot (for me) curry and am contemplating a glass of wine. It could be kill or cure but I do at least feel hopeful of sleep tonight.

Lesley x

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