Brief smiles

4years 109days

Katie woke with a seemingly substantial improvement - much lower temperature, cycled to nursery, chirpy although not her usual self. With hindsight, the cycling probably took it out of her. I called midmorning and they said although she was playing, not quite with full bounce, but that she'd been quiet for a good while before perking up for a bit. Her temperature rose as the calpol wore off and lunchtime calpol took a reallly long time to kick in at all, so I went to get her. She was sat quietly snuggling Monkey.

As soon as we got out the door, she seemed to find a little bounce. She cycled home again and had a good play with her kitchen. And then flaked. She snuggled on Mummy for quite a while before playing again. She put these adorable ruffle bums on for me to photograph for the supplier which she thought was fun - although I can see the tired in those eyes of hers. More snuggles until Granny and Grandad came. She fed the bunnies with Grandad and they did a puzzle together. She ate three yorkshire puddings for tea then fell asleep. She woke when I moved her, only long enough to read stories, have calpol & milk and find jammies.

We are not really over this yet, but I think a (Very Small) step forward

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