Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny


As you can see he's a little bit harder to take a picture of because he is all black, making it difficult for the camera to find something to focus on. This is him in his favourite position...on my chest. The lap is just not enough. He will lie on my chest and stretch his leg around my shoulder for a proper cuddle. He's totally gorgeous. The only drawback is I'm highly allergic to him! This was a problem I had not foreseen. I've never had a problem with cats before and I think it's because he's a long-haired cat. So it was off to the pharmacy for some antihistamine first thing this morning, and here's hoping I develop some immunity over the next few weeks. Aggie is more than happy on her cushion on the sofa. She's not moved all day, not even for food. She seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet and hopefully she'll have a bite to eat tomorrow.

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