Russian Doll Olympics

Day 38 of 365. Today was the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics and this shot is my little tribute to the Games - instead of five rings there are five Russian dolls!
I photograph Russian works of art as part of my job and have done for a number of years so I'm fascinated by the country's rich, often troubled history, it's culture, politics and art. The region Sochi is in, the Caucasus, is a very troubled one hence all the security to protect the Games from terrorist activities.
I recently bought a brilliant book about this area with the very dry title of "The Sochi Project : An Atlas Of War And Tourism in the Caucasus" with superb photographs by Rob Hornstra and intelligent, illuminating text by the journalist Arnold Van Bruggen. It's a huge doorstop of a book but it's not a heavy read at all and tells the story of the duos trips through all the regions, and other countries, of this part of the world. Sadly, as part of the crackdown on free speech and investigative journalism they have both now been banned from Russia but not before they completed this wonderful book.
As for my day today I managed to spend the vast majority of it catching up with a backlogue of work in my studio (still with added drilling!) which was good. I was so tired by the time five o'clock came round so I'm really going to enjoy my weekend off.

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