
By Brotographer

SuperBowl [5/5]

Final Day of Hoonay week. It's got progressively harder to wake up in the mornings, but what better way to end than with a big reunion of friends to watch the superbowl on a Sunday night?

So we rearranged my room and had almost 20 friends over. Half of them are missing here, but clockwise from centre you have Mason (getting his nose poked with a lightsabre), Matt, Chris, Shane, Kwis, Mahfood (in yellow?), Emma, me, Hiscock, Chunky and Anu. Anand's spilled chips are clearly visible, as is the massive ice leak from the cooling table in the middle. Love you warwick accommodation. Also, thanks to Erin for the cake and Eve for the crepes!
A great night overall, even though the game was a joke. Absolute annihilation from the Seahawks, who were actually the underdogs. I'll remember the night more for the atmosphere, the game of football in the parking lot and Mason's elaborate neknominate video in the street which needed about six people to put together!

Unay out.


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