
By Brotographer

BootsNCats [4/5]

Day 4 of Hoonay and the most indecisive. Ridiculous photo really, but photography hasn't been my forte recently.

The morning was spent flicking through last night’s videos, the afternoon cleaning and watching Sherlock. This weekend is a super chill one.
So in the evening, plans came together: Emma, Mahfood, Anu, Anna and me had some pre-drinks with Shane, before heading to Bootsncats, aka the best music night in Leamington. Thank god they’ve moved it back to Zephyr Lounge. If anything, it was probably the best bnc night so far, with the later sets from Steve and Mikel blowing us away. Ali and Eve joined up, as well as some others. 3am end, mandatory sicilian extra large pizzas with Emma before the long pizza-fueled walk back up the parade. Awesome night.


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