
By Houseonahill6

Rusty boat

Had a drive out to Newhall Point, on the other side of the Black Isle, to see what birds were around. The skies started blue but clouded over as we arrived. The tide was out and there were plenty of waders around including curlew, red shank, oyster catchers and knot. Several rigs were standing proud and the Prospector one seemed enormous between the Sutors.
We drove down to the old boat yard. There seemed to be a lot more boats there from when we visited last. There will be plenty of blip opportunities for the future too. I really wanted to have a rake around but there was one man on a boat and another in a van so just took a few shots out the window.
Did think I'd find a song about a rusty boat but I found a band Rusty Boat
and liked the song :)

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