Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Anyone for a spot of bamboo?

"On Sunday 4 December 2011 our two Giant Pandas on a 10 year loan from China, arrived at Edinburgh Zoo... The male, Yang Guang was born... on 14 August 2003 and his name means 'sunshine'. He is described as a good-natured gentle giant by his keepers...

Giant pandas are the rarest members of the bear family and one of the most endangered species in the world. In the wild pandas are under threat from habitat destruction and are classified as endangered by the IUCN Red List, meaning these animals face a high risk of extinction in the wild. Current estimates suggest there are between 1000 and 2000 Giant pandas remaining in the wild."

Another very busy, and very varied day, that started and finished in the sun! So many different sights were seen and experienced, but after having following the pandas on Edinburgh's pandacam for the last couple of weeks, (and blipped them!) how could I not choose the adorable Yang Guang for my blip for the day!

The day started with another open-top bus ride, this time down to Holyrood Palace. After a tour of the palace, we crossed the road and had a sneaky peak inside the new Scottish Parliament building. I know the design isn't very popular with some, but I loved it, especially the use of so much wood and glass.

Back on the open-top bus for a tour of the Georgian New Town, before catching the bus out to Edinburgh Zoo. I'm not a fan of zoos in general, but the animals that I did see (didn't have enough time for a full tour) seemed to be well cared and provided for. And of course the highlight for me was the Giant Pandas who luckily were both outside enjoying a spot of bamboo in the sunshine, and a spot of people-watching!

Once back in town, we headed to Jenners to buy the grandest bread rolls that I've ever bought! And then up the hill, through the lamp-lit closes to home on the Royal Mile. But the night was young, so the evening was rounded off at the wonderful Jolly Judge pub, found down another of Edinburgh's closes. Low beamed ceilings, a log fire and a tranquil atmosphere; the perfect way to spend my last evening in Edinburgh!

(Thank you so much Auslaender for the pub recommendation, and for all your other tips on Edinburgh!)

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