The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson


Drs reviews JJ during the night as she was breathing really quick, temp had gone up again. (we have been up since two, and when I got into bed, I must have fallen asleep for about 30 minds before I was woken up at 5 30 by the nurses.) Her hickman line had popped. In other words, it had split. This isn’t good news. Firstly, infection risk. And secondly, she needs lots of medication with includes anti rejection drugs so pretty vital. I must say, I did get a bit emotional. This amazing little girl deservers a break, and thought she would have to go for surgery to have another one. The line was clamped off (which in itself looked his came back ok.) As the line wasn’t useable, the dr had to come back again and insert two, yes two, cannulas. Bless the student nurse who immediately afterwards asked if I wanted a cup of tea. Around 10am Marie came in to assess her line. Marie was a nurse who looked after us the first time JJ had a BMT. She is also the one, who the day before discharged managed to break JJ’s hickman line. When I say break, it wasn’t her fault. She was just giving some meds and it broke. They have so much use, that these things happen. I also know that for months afterwards, whenever JJ’s name was mentioned she used to feel awful about what happened! Not her fault! Anyway, JJ’s line was the first one she fixed two years ago, so it was a bit of déjà vue again when she fixed this one. We had to wait for 24 hrs to see if it worked. SATS were low so oxygen was wafted which helped.
JJ finally started to settle, and slept all day. Not before she tried to knock me out with a left hook. I don’t blame her.
Poor Alex wasn’t able to come down today as he’s got a cold. Mum and Dad have been pretty poorly with it, and went home over a week ago to avoid anyone getting it. So Alex has been ferrying Caitlin to his family so they can do school runs etc. so he can go to work. Think he has exhausted himself out. He’s been amazing. Luckily Mum and Dad are much better and came back Thursday so this will really help out.

JJ is back in nappies. Thought it best as really didn't want her hands to get covered in any thing nasty!

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