The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson


Popped down to the WRVS shop for a latte and some chocolate, and I picked a winning packet! Oh dear, means I have to have another bar....
Last night saw a much more settled JimJam. We increased her background morphine on Sunday and she's been better. Still not herself, but getting there. Sat night was another awful night, with more xrays etc. However, we think the air from the bowel lining is decreasing slightly. Her BP is up so oral meds are now given. She loves that. :( Sats are low at times so oxygen is given and heart rate up. An ECG is being ordered for this week. Bloods are also needed today.
Thought I would count up how much blood products JJ has needed since admission 6th Jan. This is approx as I don't think I've written them all down, but you get the idea.
Blood. 7
Platelets 10
Stem Cells 1
MSE cells 1. These where given on Friday and they act as peace keepers between JJ's and donor cells. This helps treat GVHD.
So if you ever wonder what a difference you can make to someone else, bear these figures in mind and become a blood donor!

PS. JJ is back in nappies!! No more flashing anyone who comes in.
PLS. As we are going to be decreasing steroids, I thought I'd ask how long it will take before she's off them. 4 - 6 weeks was the reply. Oh, so it looks like we'll be here for a while longer then. (We knew we'd be in for approx 12 weeks...)

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