
By Rosemarie55

Three in a Row

Lots of birds around their feeding tray this morning, but my Canon battery ran out after a few shots - no extra battery so that means a cybertrip to Amazon to buy a spare! Went to the dump to deposit the week's recyclables, and then a trip to St Cyrus to visit the swans. No sign of swans - I wonder where they've gone? So tootled over to Ferryden and took some shots of these Oystercatchers (Haematopodidae) who were there in abundance. They feed on cockles and muscles on the shore, but around here there are lots inland, so I suppose they must eat worms as well. Lots of potholes on the St Cyrus shore road which made me flinch on behalf of my car, but I then thought of the terrible consequences of floods in other parts of the country. A few potholes are nothing compared with them! Going to relax now and finish painting my living room walls!

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