It's been raining on and off all day. Now, late afternoon, the wind is getting up. My windows are so badly smeared with salt spray I can't see out of them! I gingerly opened a window at lunchtime between squalls to take this blip. Not the best, but it does give you an idea.
We're trying to sort out stamps for sale on Ebay. We've been collecting for many years but realised we really needed to consolidate everything. I started seriously in the 1980s when the girls were little and I was doing some work writing up albums for an old stamp dealer. He started the girls off with their collections, thematic and world, but they no longer want them. His nibs and I both had our own collections, plus the girls collections and it was all too much. So we've decided to specialise in pre-1936 stamps only and to get rid of everything else we'd accumulated. Sorting things into lots, photographing them etc just seems to take so long. I really look forward to this stage being over and then being able to get back to some fun collecting.
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