A non-day

The urban dictionary defines a non-day as:

A day that has been wasted. You've done nothing with the day. A wasted day.

So, you done much today?
Nope, it's been a non-day

I haven't so much as wasted the day, but it feels like a non-day, I don't have that much to say about it.

I watched about 4 hours of PoI this morning
Went for a run in awful, awful wind and sleet like rain at lunchtime (cut short by said inclement weather)
Had a bath
Had a crisp sandwich for lunch
Have spent the last 5 hours doing Uni work

So I've done a fair bit, but it still feels like a non-day. What's that? I still have two hours of PoI left before I'm finally caught up? Oh ok then, that's what I'll do next...

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