A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Dark Art


A quite unreal sort of day. Cupcake's final A-level Art sculpture is a floating illuminated abstract shape. Encouraging perspex into the right abstract shape was proving troublesome so I'd acquired more, and thinner, perspex last night hoping that will be more deformable with the heat gun than the current stock.

Most of the day was spent lending Cupcake a helping hand or two, mainly to hold things while things were sanded, melted, stuck and illuminated; and to chauffeur into art shops for remaining supplies.

The time pressure is that the deadline is 9:30 Monday.

Apparently, part of the installation means it should be photographed at dusk, night and dawn. Hmmm.

Cue the 'night' session. Which was actually just being late for the 'dusk' one. Cupcake, E and I manoeuvring said sculpture in one of the local large puddles, and photographing it.

Thankfully 'Dark' is still sufficiently early that we got over to Dand & Debbie's for a quick Chinese and game; then back early as 'Dawn' calls tomorrow...

Sorry, I'm very behind on everyone else's blips - hang on there I'll be back making nonsensical comments Real Soon Now.

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