Carolyn's Corner

This afternoon I took a short walk in the park and, as usual, made a point of stopping by my favorite corner, at the intersection of two trails, just to see if there were any photo ops available. That's where I found this solitary doe waiting for me to blip her. If you visit my journal regularly, I am sure you will recognize this spot. The rail fence with an overhanging tree is one of my best locations for blipping birds. But today there were no birds. None, nada, zilch, zip! As a matter of fact, I didn't see one bird on my entire 45 minute walk. Not even a turkey! And speaking of turkeys, I'm sending a big thank you to all of you who looked at, starred, and commented on yesterday's "turkey in a crabapple tree." I'm still amused (and somewhat amazed) at the speed with which she dashed for the tree so she could be first in line for the crabapples.

In case you are wondering about the title of this blip, I have made a spontaneous (and completely unilateral) decision to claim this little corner of the park as "Carolyn's Corner." I visit it every time I go to the park and find so many of my blips there that I decided to appropriate it as my corner and name it for myself. Hopefully nobody else will mind me taking "squatter's rights." My second choice for today's blip was actually the fence that divides this corner from the meadow beyond it. I love the weathered wood so beautifully topped by last night's fresh coating of snow.

That's it for this snowy February day in northeast Ohio. See you again tomorrow when I will be looking for a suitable blip for Mono Monday. ~Carolyn aka Skip

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