wet, wet, wet

this is my view from the office today. wet and miserable and not looking like it's going to change any time soon. this lack of the slightest glimpse of the sun is getting thoroughly depressing.

i still haven't shaken my cold and on top of that, i seem to have made a new friend called insomnia. all very annoying.

on a positive note: andy, lis and i were invited out to join a family for lunch after church yesterday and it was quite the experience. a family with 9 (yes, NINE) children, aged from 2 to 19.....all home schooled. we have fairly regular contact with a couple of them through work and they are the most delightful young people. having spent the afternoon with the rest of the family, i can confirm that all of the other children are equally as delightful. it was interesting to spend some time chatting with the (super)mum. she sees her children as her ministry and is clearly doing an amazing job. as a single person with no children, it was good to compare how entirely different our ministries and callings are, but how God can use them both for his glory providing that we do it wholeheartedly. great times.

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