Christmas (the goat)

Lots of preparations going on for Christmas, Shija and Dotto (sisters in law) went off to town and returned hours later with sacks of rice, bushels of tomatoes and peppers, fruit for eating and making juice. It seems we are catering for a small (or maybe even medium) army. Then, of course, there was the slaughter of Christmas. Christmas came from the country, after our abortive goat purchasing expedition. He's been here at the house for several days, grazing outside the fence during the day, locked in a shed at night. Yesterday there was nearly a disaster, Aloys had taken him for a walk to look for some more grass, and he made a bid for freedom, pulling his rope free and heading off across the rice paddys. Fortunately Aloys managed to get him back again.

I was worried the lasses might be a bit upset, but they are determined that this is his destiny, so he will die happy. I suggested they miss the actual deadly deed, but they have been most interested in the subsequent skinning, disemboweling, and dismembering. Six chickens have met their maker, and there is a pile of beef for making pilau marinating in the fridge.

I have been presented with the two back legs for boning. I don't have a problem with meat generally, bit this was still warm, practically twitching, and I did struggle a bit. The lack of a decent sharp knife didn't help, but I managed eventually. I consoled myself with the thought that at least Emma isn't getting shown up, by having a completely hopeless wife!

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