Racing Home

The only sun of the day but it was a monkeys wedding. Cocoa who'd jumped into the paddock to have a run, felt the heavy raindrops and bolted home. Well, I'd gone out to look for a blip and he saw Maera, and me, running back indoors to avoid the heavy shower. The wooz didn't like being out on his own but it did give me the opportunity to catch this before I had to cover the camera.

The camera group now has 55 members and is growing by the day. I've been thinking about doing some portrait work with the group instead now that numbers are sufficient to make it worthwhile so, I put out a request for models willing to work with us on a TFP (Time for Print) basis. I was amazed to get six instant replies from some very pretty girls who want portfolios. One or two will be in Guildford over the weekend so, if they're not booked, I'll ask them to come along to a concept meet we have arranged. Time to contact a friend and ask how much she wants for use of her studio as well. It's all good fun!

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