Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

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I'm still off work at the moment and I have a lot of stuff to sort out regarding my late dads things, I had to call at the solicitors this morning to collect various documents.

Whilst in town I had a wander around and spotted a couple of beautiful cars It was hard to pick the one to photograph as the other was a duck egg blue Lamborghini oh what a car a real chi magnet!

But as I've always had an eye for these little Italian numbers I had to take its picture and later in the year I get to drive one of these beauties, enough on that at the moment as I mustn't get too excited or I won't sleep tonight.

On returning home I wondered what I could blip, it was once again raining, so an indoor blip.

When Roo was a puppy he loved these treats( nothing's changed) one Christmas he was brought some and guarded them for all they were worth he would carry the bag round with him.

I sent a picture to the makers in case they wanted to use him in an advertising campaign but they told me that they used another firm who took pictures.

There loss, he could've made them millions!!!!!!

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