Odd dinner
Odd day too.
I remembered late last night that the insurance assessor was coming round this afternoon to re-assess our house for its premium since, turns out, we have been on the wrong insurance policy for 2 years.
So this morning was a blur of activity tidying, cleaning and generally fixing some security issues that we are relaxed about but, from an insurance point of view, are perhaps not ideal.
After lunch, the waiting began.... and she didn't turn up. A call to the office resulted in no action - they couldn't tell me if I'd got the day wrong, as they had no appointments booked in for me, and couldn't tell me when she might be able to come out.
So, I got on with the rest of the day: sorting out various admin tasks on four (sigh) cars and starting on the long uphill battle to understand how French accounts are put together. Some time soon I am probably going to have to stand up in front of the parents at school and explain last year's accounts to them (which I had nothing to do with). I am planning to mostly hide behind pie charts. Everyone loves a pie chart. So there has been a lot to learn on Excel too.
Freezing cold tonight, after a fairly mild day, so I may retire to bed soon with a good book. If I can find one having finished my previous good book (The Goldfinch) in a selfish kiddie-ignoring orgy of book reading at the weekend.
CarbBoy has starting calling TallGirl's fish 'Mental' just to annoy her (it is called Mendel). Makes me laugh lots. To make up for her annoyance, I seem to have promised that she can buy another fish.
Dinner (she says, suddenly remembering the picture) was necessarily odd given that it had to be what we happened to have in the house. So, sausage chosen by CarbBoy as it made him think of holidays in Spain when we were shopping yesterday, chips - because I hadn't left enough time for another carb that wasn't pasta (which we had yesterday), and lentils - because TallGirl hates sausage all of a sudden and loves lentils. Balance in all things. It looked odd. CarbBoy's verdict on lentils (can't believe he hasn't had them before) was that he didn't hate them as much as broccoli, which is his favourite veg so I'm not sure I follow his logic. But then that is often the case.
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