Way to go
A colourful day. Worked at home in the morning and had the company of The Girl Racer before going off to Guildford for a hospital appointment. 5 minutes with the consultant and 50 minutes in the phlebotomy queue (that's blood taking in everyday language). A very old and smelly hippy with the shakes sat next to me. The phlebotomy nurse was a mad Irish woman who would have stabbed me through my clothes if she could have, she was in such a hurry. "Jesus it's frantic here today. Are you going to be alright? Don't pass out on me now we've not got the time". It was like having your blood taken by Mrs Brown. I think her sister was driving the bus that took nme back to the station. She just talked in a really loud voice as she drove along. "God some people don't know how to drive.They've changed the road layout. Pointless if you ask me. But I'm just an old fogey. Here's the station. I always tell people it's the station because it doesn't look like a station". Actual it did look like a station. But I didn't say anything. I think they had another sister on the train working as a guard. "I'm sorry we're late leaving the station. The driver is doing something in the front of the train. I don't know what he's up to. Hopefully we'll be leaving soon".
Maybe it's the weather. Blame everything on the weather.
Anyway got to work eventually. The Girl Racer made a very nice supper in the evening before going home. And chocolate brownies.
The picture is of our car. I do a late pickup on a Tuesday when The Dizzle comes back from seeing his girlfriend. I'm always tired but the arrow points in the direction of home.
Way to go as they say.
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