Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

On watch

Fish Finger takes the night watch tooled up with a nerf gun in case of a zombie apocalypse. I bet there are weird internet sites devoted to cats with guns. I bet there are also weird people out there who build zombie apocalypse prevention measures into their bedtime routine. We just lock the doors (there were burglars prowling about last night).

I'm just focusing on not being a zombie during the day. I spent all day with a colleague talking to all the year groups in St Machar Academy. I bet they thought I was an ancient wifey, while it didn't feel that long ago I was their age.....I've just realised it was OVER A QUARTER BLIMMIN' CENTURY AGO...

Even further back in time, my dad worked there for a stretch before he went to Ellon Academy. It was Powis Academy back then, can't remember why they changed the name, think they wanted to shake off a reputation. When he worked there, the school had a notorious headmaster with the same surname. I thought some of the reminiscence sites weren't being nice about my Dad until I realised they weren't talking about him at all but but rather the notorious headmaster with a love for the belt. Much needed Desk time tomorrow to tackle some busted deadlines and hopefully take down the old anxiety levels.

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