The side pathway...

I was busy all day avoiding taking photos of yet another cricket kid, so that I was left with being at home and wondering what to do for a blip after a long game of tennis in the hot sun. I had a lot of visitors today who have all said, "what an amazing house" and I thought how easy it is to get comfortable and complacent and not "see" the beauty around you, so here is the view walking back from the tennis court to the house. It was quite late and the light was going but it does show how pretty a Christchurch spring garden can become after the bleak harsh winter and how the house is such a stable and bulky statement of solidity behind it all. It as orginally a church vicarage and what luxury and priviledge they must have enjoyed back then, as it is one of the most imposing houses of the immediate area. We feel very lucky to have such an historic and unique house.
I may blip some more of the property over time as I always feel with a house like this that it will stand a lot of different inhabitants and we may be far more transient that it! I want to value it while it is our turn...

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