Bee Man

This is a bee man who was called to our park. People had noticed that a swarm of bees had settled on a tree by the path last night, and then this morning they had fallen off and landed in a heap on the ground. In the morning sun they got pretty busy and frightened the dog walkers. Eventually the council were called and they rang the bee man. He came and caught them, as in -decided to entice them over 6 hours into his "new home" for them. It took them a while to figure this out and with a bit of help from his smoker and lots of onlookers they finally got the message. He estimated that there were around 10 000 bees so that was a very impressive.
The other impressive thing was that he handled them with his bare hands and didnt wear any protective clothing. The bees were his friends! Although he did say that they sometimes didnt understand that sometimes...

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