Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Treble Treat Day

Mike took the day off today and we packed a lot in. I headed down to the stables after brekky and walking the pups. Took Lime round the woods and fortunately missed the storm that blew in. Nice bracing ride though!

Collected Tobes early from pre school and went to see Peppa Pigs big splash at De Montfort. Traffic awful so we only just made it. I was a bit disappointed with it as the characters were just puppets and there was no 'story' to it but Toby and Eva enjoyed it which is obviously the main thing. They were selling these George pig windmills. Toby had his on throughout and all the way home!

We decided to make a day of it and take Tobes 10 pin bowling for the first time but right next to the bowling alley was a massive indoor play place with more for Eva to do so we went in there and had a great time playing.

Then out for tea before taking two exhausted children home to bed. Great day.

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