
By Raestelle

"The Lovely Hoya" ...

...Well, that's surviving with the heat very nicely, they have thick leaves and like some warmth as well as a water every now and then..

...This one is under our verandah and is 3 years old and is so slow growing, it likes coastal areas or growing underneath or near some other foliage but it hasn't got either, so it has been sulking for a while but occasionally - it shall show us some lovely new leaves, and pink ones too, and even a flower or three..we've planted it in the ground, so it's got no excuses really..

...Today it looks like rain - but so far - we've just had some perspiration thrown at us from the clouds @ 28deg.C. and that's about it, but one never knows - it just might pour yet.. (what do they call it? ... "A rain event"?? ... or something silly like that!!!)

...The grape growers here certainly won't be happy though - they are all organized to begin their picking season..

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