
By Raestelle

"All The Flowers" ...

...Are suffering with the heat during this past week or so, the poor old geraniums aren't happy at all, the roses are OK although a little sizzled on the edges, but will be as fine as only roses can be fine - the rosemary's doing well, they like the heat and some of the succulent cacti are telling us they're not happy either..

...As well - the begonias which were reaching for the sky not long ago, got a nasty shock when they did and tried to reach 10 or 11ft tall - we just let them go but the heat was just too much and soon sorted a few of those out..and so they're now trimmed back to size along with a few other plants along the verandah..

...The tibouchina is looking quite pathetic with its burnt tips but really - it's a tropical type plant and they do well there with the humidity - not here where we have a dry heat..we brought that one with us, but it's never done well here..it needs humidity..

...And so out in the garden again to find a nice flower to put on here and this is all I could come up with - the beautiful hibiscus which does well anywhere really, in the heat - this shrub is deciduous as you can see by the leaves.. It doesn't have many flowers, its beauty is really in its leaves...

...But we don't fret - they'll all survive, they've done it all before, just the same as we have..

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