Life as we know it...

By EmilyS

The Eve before your Birthday

Today was a snow day for Addi which was kinda of a bummer. I had all these plans to get some errands done, but oh well. First we went to her friends house this morning, stopped by the bank, and then some birthday shopping for Kellen. The hardest part about running errands with both kids is definitely Addi. Kellen is the easy one. But we managed to a couple things done so that was huge!

Today marks the eve before Kellen's first birthday. I'm remembering how I felt the night before my c-section. I was very emotional that night, lots of tears of worrying about how Addi would handle everything? Sad that she would no longer be an only child, and that we would have to juggle our time between the both of them. This first yr. has definitely without a doubt been very hard on Addi. A combination of her age, and her new brother. What a yr...

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