Life as we know it...

By EmilyS

12 months old

Happy first Birthday, Kellen! I can't believe our sweet boy is one! I've been dreading this day since the day he was born. I just wanted to savor every precious moment of his first yr. And I think I did a pretty good job of it. Just wish it was a little longer. It really feels like I blinked my eyes and he was one? But with every month that went by it brought more fun and surprises with this little guy! We couldn't of been blessed with a sweeter boy than Kellen!!

Like I said before it's been a rough adjustment with Addi, but we're hoping in time she'll get out of this funk. Putting it nicely.

Thank you Kellen for all the sweet memories you have brought to us this yr! Our family feels complete now that you're here!! We love you! Mom, Dad & Addi.

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