A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8


I am currently enjoying Blipper John Gravett's photographs in No 15 Cafe Bar in Penrith with a steaming hot Latte.

Yesterday was a somewhat trying ordeal driving from SW Wales to the Lake District. The M6 was shut near Manchester due to high winds (they weren't kidding either). Then there was an accident on the diversion blocking it completely and I ended up going - well actually I have no idea where I was. I have to say though for once the Satnav seemed to do its job fairly efficiently. The main thing was the compass needle kept pointing roughly die north which was a good sign! I passed umpteen accidents and overturned vehicles and on one short stretch of motorway I counted 6 fallen trees.

The weather has abated somewhat and I am now heading to Castleriggs to take some photographs.

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