Writer's Block

By writersblock

Day 3: Happy Anniversary!

On Day 3, R and I celebrated our three year anniversary!

After starting our morning again at 6 a.m. with surfing - I gave it another try but still could barely stand up - we had breakfast at the famous Duke's.

After a short nap (napping while on vacation is crucial!) we headed out to Hanauma Bay, a protected marine life area and underwater snorkeling park!

This photo is looking from an outlook area near the parking lot down into the bay. The water was clear and warm - perfect snorkeling conditions - and the dark areas you see in the photo are the reef. Thousands of colorful fish of all sizes live in those living reefs - along with countless other sea creatures.

I have to admit that at first I was a little freaked out by the idea of all that sea life touching me (I gross out pretty easily) . . . especially after seeing a sea turtle swim by mere feet from me minutes after entering the water. But before long, I was one with the fishes! I ended up LOVING my time in the water and snorkeled until I was too tired to kick around anymore.

Afterward, back at Waikiki, we watched the sunset and had dinner at the sushi place in our hotel.

A very GOOD day.

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