
By Angelique


Sorry about that, Mr A's idea. This is the pond at work and as you can see we have Moor Hens. Several years ago we had a mating pair, now we have seven residence. But they are very shy, so to get this blip I had to stand very patiently and wait for them to come back out from their hideaway island.

The weather has been most perculiar today. Started off quite bright but by the time I went upstairs to get on the internet at around 8.00am we had a perculiar heavy hail storm. It was so bad I even took photos of it hammering against the Velux window. Thought that would be my blip for today. Then the hail turned into large snow flakes that went on for about 20 minutes.

But as you can see, by 13.00 and I left the office, the sun was playing on the pond. I love the ripples and the weed is slowly being eaten by the pond occupants. Sometimes we have a lone Drake. One year we had a pair of Canadian Geese who successfully raised 7 young. The year before the cunning fox had its way and 1 parent disappeared and the rest seemed to disperse. We're hoping this year to have some young ducklings, that's if the lone Drake can entice a nice female!

My young son David and Kezia have arrived safely from Bath for the weekend. And of course we are meeting up with my sister, Redflash tomorrow. Now getting excited to see DT again.

Hoping you are all looking forward to the weekend with just Friday to come. Stay safe, warm, dry and of course healthy.
Thank you for your continued support - I do appreciate it.
Sending hugs~~~~~

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