
By EmaHen

Keeping the Home Fires Burning

With this long cold winter, it is wonderful to come home from either an adventurous walk through a snowy wooded paradise, which looms with snow covered trees, winter berries, frozen lakes and streams, or to come in from other domestic duties, to be welcomed by the cozy warmth of the wood stove. The wood stove is our only source of heat. Of course it has to be maintained and stocked in order for the house to receive it's gift against the outside. It is worth the effort to trek out to the stacked pile and bring in arm full after arm full of split wood.
To sit in front of this stove which features a glass front, relax and view the flames, feel the heat that generates throughout the house, along with Jimmy the cat, is one of the most comforting and peaceful moments of sheer happiness and contentment, of which I am completely thankful for. These welcoming flames are worthy of a blip.

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