My Best Efforts - Year 3


Different weather from last year .....

......... today it's pouring with rain!

Anni aka Bikerbear here reporting (again) for Alma.

No false alarms, no updates, so not a lot to tell you really.

Mum's still texting each morning AND she's keeping the ciggy intake down to two halves a day - well done Mum!!!!!

We had a chat on the phone this morning and she's been in to look at the vacant cottage next door with the thought of moving - the two bonuses are that it has a paved rear garden and also a wet room rather than a conventional bathroom ..... she's decided to stay where she is - says the other cottage has a strange "feel" to it.
I'm quite pleased as there will be no upheaval !!!

As usual last year's journal entry re-taken for today.

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