Happy Valentines Day

Hi Tom

Valentines day again and your not here to receive the heart chocolate that I have bought for you every year. If I can't give one to you then I'm not giving to your brothers either.

It was funny in Tesco today as it was full of men still buying cards and flowers and they had baskets full of food that you just knew was going to be a nice meal for two. Quite sweet.

I have a heart message left on this cage. When we were in London the British Heart Foundation had cages spelling the word LOVE. You bought a heart and was given a padlock which you then locked onto one of the cages. Such a lovely idea. I also got my lovely jumper, dress and lipstick as well.

I did buy dad some chocolates :)

I hope all my blip friends have a lovely evening and get spoilt by their partners.

Hope you have a nice day too. Because it's Valentines Day it gives me another opportunity to say I love you. X x x

And Happy Valentines Day Blippers x

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