Family Dog

By Family_Dog

land ahoy!

I love Sundays with all my heart and soul. This one started off with a hangover (which is a rare thing at the moment actually) and a very bleary start to the day, picking over the smooshed up crisps and wii controllers as Arlo complained about the prospect of getting his nappy changed (he absolutely hates it - this is one phase that is refusing to go!).

Yesterday was Roast Club at our house and Bry's first ever one (I am sure I've written about this before - a small group of friends take it in turn to host a roast dinner, it used to be on Sundays but we spend far too much time eating and drinking for it to be practical so it's moved to Saturdays) - as the 2 we've done before, I'd cooked.

It was a perfect day - the boys (Ian & Rachele have a little boy called Ben who is 9 months older than Arlo) played beautifully together - I think they're going to be pals - and the adults spent approximately 5 hours dining and drinking wine (I am not exaggerating).

Yesterday's menu comprised:

Cream of Roast Pumpkin, Thyme & Carrot Soup with home made bread
Roast fillet of Beef with herbs & porcini mushrooms, wrapped in Parma Ham served with greens and baby carrots
Chocolate & Orange chocolate tarte with winter berries and cream
Cheese Board with home made chilli onion jam and 2 types of port.

OH MY OH MY OH MY but it was such an incredible feast. I could have it all again right now actually. The cheese and chilli jam was so good that I started hurling massive hunks of it down my gob and completely avoiding the biscuits.

So good. Too good. This is not the sort of food you need to be munching when you're watching your weight (I am always watching my weight, always always. I actually need to start losing some of it at some point).

After 2 snacking boys and 5 munching, drinking and wii playing adults in the house, the floor was in dire need of a bit of attention so Bry took Arlo off to the park so I could hoover (us? Stumbling headfirst into gender stereotypes? No!) and do a bit of housework.

It's been a lovely weekend all in all.

In other news, Bry may be getting made redundant next month instead of January. There's more track on this rollercoaster yet, it would appear!

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