Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

First real frost

Got up to run L down to church to play drums.
And it was a proper frost. Had to start the car engine and go indoors for a few mins to let the car defrost.

Spent morning writing a paper to simplify and explain PKI digital signatures to a potential customer. It's a cool method for data encryption and digital signatures. Have a look here if you want to learn more. The US airlines use this technique to digitally sign the data on boarding passes. The technique was based on a paper that I wrote for the American airline security bods a couple years ago.

At lunchtime, we learnt of the death of a very dear old member of the church. Very sad indeed, and a true gentleman. He will be deeply missed.

Afternoon was taken up with setting the stage for the evening praise night. Mozo brough his shiny acoustic kit :). He was loud.

This was part of a gift day which should see the remaining balance for the new church building paid off. £1.85million in only a few years. Wish I could pay off my mortgage as quickly.

Praise night was good, I think we all played OK. Recording will be uploaded onto in the next day or so if you want to listen. Gortex's cupcakes and tablet were especially good. Thank you Gortex.

Everyone then went I went to the chippy myself :) and sat in my study with the chippy and a couple of Coronas...yummy.

The new AV PC has been running all day, playing DVDs as part of its "Burn In" to make sure it will run for extended periods without crashing. Doing well so far.

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