The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I need some sun!

Another grim day .. I headed out to the wolds and although I saw plenty of red kites, my best shot was this female leucistic pheasant doing a roadrunner impression.

I was assuming it was just a genetic fluke - I've seen a couple before - but I've just been told that gamekeepers often release a leucistic bird with the rest of the flock. If there are troublesome predators around the white birds will be the first to be taken, as they're so eye catching and easy to spot, and he can gauge if he needs to take measures to deal with the trouble makers.

Which makes sense from a gamekeepers point of view I suppose.

Last night as I was helping mum to bed she said 'You look after me very well. I *do* appreciate it', and gave me a big hug :)

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