Lurking part 5 or 6 ..
Let's just say it is part of the lurking series ....
Lucy had her chum Rosie to sleep over last night and Mr W decided to take them ice skating when they eventually got dressed at 11.30.. Tits McGee and I decided to go along and slope off to IKEA next door to the skate rink and buy candles (it's the law) and picture frames ... I have decided to start framing some of my own stuff and putting it in the back sitting room where I have two old pictures I am tired of.
Mr W assured me that he skated almost as well as Robin Cousins but Lucy and Rosie said he was 'crap' and nothing like Robin.
Anyone watching the new TV show Flemming ? About he who wrote the James Bond books ? I rather like it .. They are all terribly posh with 1950 BBC radio announcer voices .....
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