
Worse night ever for ages.

Very tired girl crashed early last night.
Very sore teething girl woke crying around 1:45am, daddy went to her and after 20 minutes brought her into our bed where she didn't settle.
Eventually daddy took her back to her bed where she settled. For five whole minutes.

I went to her and she did go to slept, albeit after intense hand holding therapy.

Another hour passed, daddy snored, I lay listening to the wind and rain, crashes and bangs. Charlotte awoke again. Calpol administered this time as she continually said teeth ow!

I headed to her bed / not the comfiest but I had been up with her the night before so was already struggling, daddy was going to bring her into our bed. However, Calpol and super deluxe cuddle therapy seemed to work and she went back to sleep around 4am, waking around 7am.

Morning was pretty much a write off, early lunch then Charlotte went to bed. I headed out to my "so you've been caught speeding course" and daddy looked after Charlotte.

I got home at 6:30 and they were both still downstairs, when I asked why I was told it had been manic from the minute she woke from her sleep - till the second I walked into the house. welcome to my world daddy!

Charlotte is completely a daddy's girl at the moment wanting daddy to do everything for her. It's quite tough to not be cross with her about this but she is only two and obviously doesn't get that shutting a stair gate in front of me and saying no mummy when you try to follow her and daddy upstairs hurts!

Today's blip is Charlotte shouting at bebba (beryl) as she was allowed a wonder around the conservatory.

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