family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

It's a bit windy....

Britain is undergoing some horrific weather at the moment, winds and rain are just crazy. Causing so much damage and floods. So far were we are its not as bad as some of the other parts. We have strong wind but thank God no flooding.

This is babies coming from my childminders in the wind. They both found it quite fun!! Not for me waiting for them in the cold. I did smile at little mans locks blowing in the wind though. (think it's time for a cut)
Caleb decided after this pic to run away from me not once but three times, I didn't find that vert funny at all!!

we made some valentines biscuits tonight. babies loved it, cutting them out, and then the fun part of decorating them. i had to mix some purple icing for erin as this is her favourite colour as she keeps telling me. caleb surprised us how patient and controlled he was putting the icing onto the biscuit but then made us laugh when adding sprinkles, nearly all of the tub on one small heart shape biscuit :) you can never have enough sprinkles

to end the night caleb was sick 3 times!! he has been being sick once or twice a week for about 3 weeks and it seemed to be milk/cough related but tonight 3 times within about 30 minutes. we completely ran out of bedding, even pink stuff. he doesnt seem poorly and is as right as rain even after. so we will see how he goes.

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