a door of happiness

By brianckl


O is for out, as in these foreign domestic helpers out on their day off. Every Sunday helpers congregate in public places pretty much everywhere in Hong Kong. After six days of live-in work, going out for leisure must be a welcome break, but maids who want to rest at home may not be able to if their employer demands that they leave.

O is also for outsiders, and not just because these helpers, who number about 300,000, are foreigners: they are excluded from a society which benefits hugely from their work but often refuses to recognise their contribution. One 2004 report estimated that they produce 1% of Hong Kong's GDP, but in fact it's their role in almost eliminating housekeeping and childcare burdens from busy families that is crucial. Yet foreign domestic helpers are not allowed to apply for settlement, must live in with their employers (usually in tiny flats and sometimes without a bed), are entitled to a minimum wage that is much lower than the standard minimum wage and often face abuse.

O for outraged? Sadly not enough people are.


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