Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Happy half birthday babies

I can't believe they are six months old today!
Our half birthday didn't start very well Isaac decided at about 10:30 last night that sleep was for loser and crying and screaming was the thing that all the cool people did. So we all had very little sleep except for Elliot who decided last night would be a good night to sleep all the way through (other than for a brief 15 min spell as Isaac woke him up)

So at six months
Elliot is 13lb 8oz at last weigh in
Can roll from back to front to back and therefore roll into furniture jumperoos etc
Has found his little boy bits during naked time before bath
Is reaching out to grab things and putting them in his mouth. And can put his own dummy in (when concentrating)
Can sit unaided for brief periods of time (he tends to fall once he realises what he's doing)
Has started to copy some sounds and expression
Is now ticklish
Has three small meals a day loves fruit purée but hates cauliflower cheese (who can blame him)
And has over come his hate of the jumperoo

Isaac is now 11lb 14oz
Has rolled over but can't be bothered to do it as often as Elliot
He's also found his little boy bits!!
Is actively grabbing for things, putting them in his mouth and is not as good as Elliot at putting his own dummy in but can do it when he really wants
Can sit up with help.
Copies some sounds and expressions
Is ticklish too
Has three small meals a day loves most food but like Elliot hates cauliflower cheese.

And both boys have a proper laugh now which is so cute.

They are interacting more and have great conversations, hold hands and steal toys off each other.

I'm more tired than ever but it is getting easier sort of, that is until they are on the move.
I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant but still have close to half a stone to loose
I have put in my request to go back to work part time at an office closer to home.

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