All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan slept in our bed with hubbie last night while I slept in the spare room. He still came through to see me as soon as he woke up though rather than waking hubbie who was right beside him!

Despite sleeping till just before 8am, he was still tired and clearly not himself. He had a big meltdown when we were getting him ready for his pal Lucinda's birthday party today cos he wanted to wear jogging bottoms to the party and I told him no.

We finally made it to the party (with him in suitable clothes). It was at Scrambles soft play but despite him knowing lots of the children there, he only played in the soft play for a few minutes before coming and cuddling up on my lap and asking for a hot chocolate. He didn't eat any of the partyfood at lunchtime either, even turning down a chocolate crispie cake. He did join in with pass the parcel though and then charged round the room for ages pulling Lucinda's big number 4 balloon behind him! He was also keen to check out his party bag at the end!

He fell asleep in the car on the way home and then snuggled up with hubbie on the sofa to watch Monsters Inc. I left them to it to go for a run - was chuffed to manage 12 miles non stop running. My longest run to date.

Ethan was sound asleep on the sofa when I got back and I had to wake him to take him over to the Foreveryoungs. He refused dinner there too apart from a wee bit of toast and was apparently in bed for about 6.30pm. Poor thing. Hope he's better tomorrow.

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